Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sweets for My Sweet, Sugar for My Honey: Sweet Revenge (Part 4/4)

A strange and weirdly connected tale of Willy Wonka, Skittles®, the Trayvon Martin Murder,
and the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Team Scandal

The Trayvon Martin Case

Tea and a Bag of Skittles®

I knew from the outset that tea and Skittles® were somehow important to the Trayvon Martin slaying. The media’s obsession with what Trayvon Martin was carrying in his hands just prior to his murder made no sense to me. Surely this is an unimportant detail of the crime—somehow inane and even vaguely nonsensical—is it not? Was it in fact irrelevant, or did it have meaning? This innocuous phrase tea and a bag of Skittles® would have meaning, I thought, if it were a coded message.

Where have we seen such techniques before? Historically, the raree, vaudeville, burlesque, and the variety show of the Golden Years of television are forms of entertainment that use magic and illusion and revolve around a type of nonsensical, slapstick entertainment. To The Psychopaths That Be, this is high amusement. Of course we mere mortals perceive slapstick as a very base sort of humor and not particularly intelligent, but in the minds of The Psychopaths That Be, it is considered extremely clever.

What is especially important in their universe is the wordplay that is a continual component of this type of performance. It consists of non sequitur, puns, innuendoes, jingles, double entendres, and such. Shakespeare, master of the pun, is a fine exemplar. Consider the absolute nonsense, ambiguity, and utter confusion of some of his plays, such as Twelfth Night. Lewis Carroll’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are other excellent examples. Much of this apparent nonsense has deeper meaning that only The Psychopaths That Be fully understand. One must be initiated to grasp the deeper and hidden meaning.

We find this same system within the intelligence community as well, which uses code, non sequitur, and gibberish in much the same way as vaudeville and low-brow entertainment does and for the same reasons—to conceal meaning from the masses, but to reveal it to the initiates who hold the decryption key. Truly, they are playing with all of our minds. It is a game to The Psychopaths That Be. But it is also part of the ritual.

Let's call it ritualized play. Ritualized play revolves around cues,  pranks, code words, and misdirection. We might compare the phenomenon to a large Chinese puzzle box within which are a set of many Russian nesting dolls. None of this gibberish can be understood without the keys to decipher.

As it turns out, the incidental details of the Trayvon Martin murder are far more important than we can imagine. It is my contention that the repetition of the phrase tea and a bag of Skittles® is a hidden-in-plain-sight, and therefore "occult" message telegraphed to a specific target audience, as we shall learn. This was dog-whistle politics employed to perfection.

May I suggest further that it is a form of Twilight Language. Twilight Language refers to writings or communications that mean one thing, while actually signifying something else. Loren Coleman explains that Twilight Language:

"[C]oncerns, from psychology, the hidden significance of locations, dates, and other signs; from religious studies, the hidden symbolism that lies in the texture of the incidents; and from criminology, the profiling insights that have revealed the ritualistic nature of certain crimes and violent incidents [...]. Place and time, locations and dates, milieu and moment are hiding in plain sight." (The Copycat Effect, pp. 237-238)

Twilight Language, such as word and number reversals, nonsense words and phrases (jabberwocky), and other terms that are dependent upon or significantly linked to place names (see toponymy and onomatology or onomastics) are highly important to occult practice and ritual. Indeed, the Occult is filled with compounded symbols, double entendre, reversals, reflections, and mirrors. 

When words are used to effect these double entendres, reversals, and hidden meanings, or are used as an invocation or incantation, the result is word magic. It helps to recognize that, “[f]ollowers of occult religions use words in a more deliberate and methodical manner to produce very specific results. [...] Recognizing specific ritual incantations can be an excellent opportunity to identify individuals who have previously committed similar crimes or establish their membership in a particular group." (emphasis added)

To see how this might work, let’s take a look at Arizona Ice Tea®, manufactured by Arizona Beverage Company—one of the two companies now permanently welded in the public mind to the Trayvon Martin case. A quick search reveals that Arizona Beverage Company is headquartered in Woodbury, NY. I was unable to determine to what extent, if any, Arizona Beverage Company is LGBT-friendly, but I did find a bit of potential word magic in the toponymy. Headquarters for Arizona Beverage is Woodbury, NY:

Woodbury = Wood bury

With a little word magic, the occultist might reverse the word order within the mind to reveal a hidden and twisted meaning, like so:

Wood bury = Bury wood

Most adults and virtually all adolescents will recognize this expression as a euphemism for sexual penetration.

Now this little factoid by itself is certainly no cause for suspicion alone it signifies nothing; however, I especially wanted to check the meaning of the name of the accused perpetrator in the Trayvon Martin slaying, George Zimmerman, because of my belief that word magic so frequently plays a role in the narrative of bizarre and ritual killings. Isn't it interesting, therefore, to learn that we can perform the same kind of operation with the name Zimmerman and achieve much the same result. Whether intended or not, it is clear that Arizona Beverage Company and George Zimmerman share some kind of freakish cosmic karma.

Zimmerman means timber; carpenter; wood man. Thus:

Wood >> Wood-man << Woody

I trust we all know what a Woody is. Now, let's compare the two: 

                   Arizona Beverage Company                             George Zimmerman

           Woodbury = Wood bury << Bury wood             Wood >> Wood-man << Woody

What are the odds of this kind of "twinning?"

To gain a better understanding of the Arizona Beverage Company, I took a look at the Arizona Ice Tea® logo, which immediately captured my attention. The eye-catching Z anchored within the sun, dead center in the middle of the label is intriguing. Perhaps you will recall from Part 3 [Ravage the Rainbow] that Z  >> eohl  =  transformation. Note, too, the “stair step” geometry at the top of the logo and then compare with the stair step geometry of the Native American thunderbird symbol. Clearly Arizona Ice Tea®, in adopting a known and recognizable motif of the thunderbird symbol, is alluding to the thunderbird by suggestion. 

The Arizona Ice Tea® logo points to the sun and to the thunderbird, both of which signify transformation. We know this to be true because the thunderbird, “[…] denotes power, transformation, divine dominion, indomitable spirit and unquestionable authority.” Some Native American tribes considered the thunderbird to be “[…] an animal of the sun. They believed that when the thunderbird woke up in the morning, its eyes were the sun and this heralded the sun to rise each morning.” Combined with the thunderbird symbolizing transformation, the concept is magnified when we understand that the blazing, golden sun, as we see in the logo, “[...] is the highest symbol of transformation. It embraces all universal transformation symbols.” This theme of transformation has been a relative constant throughout this four-part series and is more than coincidental.

Where Twilight Language and word magic are techniques used to conceal, onomastics gives us tools to reveal. We have used these techniques to peer somewhat into the nature and peculiar linguistic and semantic relationship existing between George Zimmerman and Arizona Beverage Company, purveyors of Arizona Ice Tea®.

In similar fashion, semiotics and symbolism give us clues to reveal the deeper meaning of trade names and labels, such as Arizona Ice Tea®, that might otherwise escape our attention, even though the meanings are hidden in plain sight. Without study or some kind of special instruction in the significance of these emblems, the brain simply notes their presence as a feature of the environment, as, for example, the brain would note the presence of a rose bush growing alongside a fence. Without the requisite knowledge of deeper meanings, the brain is not capable of attributing any particular significance to these signs and symbols of advertising and occult communication. "The world," says Michael Tsarion, "is symbol illiterate." Tsarion is correct. 

The key to the meaning of the Trayvon Martin murder has likewise been concealed but hiding in plain sight all along in the constant repetition by the media of the phrase tea and a bag of Skittles®—pure codespeak. On the first of November, the motive for the murder of Trayvon Martin suddenly became clear to me. I shared my suspicions with Ann C Craven, another Fallout Shelter colleague and cybersleuth who assisted me immensely with the research for this series and provided many good leads for the Skittles® research.

Let us now deconstruct the phrase parroted by all of mainstream media (MSM): tea and a bag of Skittles®. Three considerations are important to the proper interpretation of this phrase:

1. Constant Repetition

Immediately following the murder of Trayvon Martin, the mainstream media (MSM) went into overdrive broadcasting this repetitive phrase—a hugely unimportant detail of the crime narrative. The concept of tea and a bag of Skittles® was so welded into the public consciousness in fact that sales of Skittles® surged dramatically. Before long, a spokesman for both Arizona Ice Tea® and Skittles® were compelled to come forward publicly to denounce the slaying of young Trayvon Martin and to express their condolences to the family.

2. Word Order

Note that the phrase consistently used by MSM was tea and a bag of Skittles.®  In no instance did we hear the phrase bag of Skittles® and tea. That in itself is curious. Why was there no variation in this particular detail? Were talking points distributed to MSM? 

3. Nouns and Adjectives

Only descriptive words are essential to our understanding. Dismissing all nonessential words in the phrase tea and a bag of Skittles® leaves us with three nouns: tea, bag, Skittles®. When two of the nouns are combined, the result is an adjectival phrase.
If word order is essential to the message, we might note that much of the sense of what MSM was signalling to its target audience  would be lost if the phrase bag of Skittles® and tea had been used. No, the coded message had to begin with the word tea because tea signifies “a piece of sensitive and highly coveted information or tidbit” within the urban gay community. Tea had to be followed by bag, for in the gay community, tea bag signifies a sexual act involving the male genitalia, somewhat akin to fellatio, but slightly lower on the anatomy.
Accordingly, use of the word tea, alone and combined with bag, together with the reference to Skittles® in a single, concise phrase that went viral sent a clear and unmistakable message reverberating through the LGBT community. It was the dog-whistle. Translated, the covert message received went something like this:

Trayvon Martin was murdered shortly after picking up some items at a convenience
 store. The suspect is a 28-year old white, male (who is gay: tea bag, Skittles®).
The victim, a 17-year old (minor), black male, had been talking on a cellphone
with his girlfriend (straight heterosexual victim) at the time of the murder while attempting
to elude the suspect who was pursuing him. This is a gay-on-straight homicide
committed by a pedophile. Repeat, gay-on-straight homicide committed by a pedophile.  

While the dog-whistle politics of this coded message escaped the attention of mainstream America, the LGBT community understood the significance immediately.  The code enabled the policymakers in high places to keep the matter of a queer-on-straight pedophiliac homicide sub rosa, with straight America none the wiser. A consistent, covert message had to be broadcast far and wide, consisting of irrelevant details for the masses that constituted a covert message to the LGBT community. Only this group would understand the special meaning of the words tea/tea bag and Skittels® used in this particular combination and repeated so frequently that it became a meme.

My strong impression of the motive for this murder is a chance encounter between Martin and Zimmerman during which a brief solicitation was attempted, was rejected, possibly involved some degree of taunting, progressed to stalking, and then ended in murder. Zimmerman was looking to score. When Martin rebuffed his advances and went his way on foot, Zimmerman became angry, overtook the teen, and killed him.

This theory of the crime appears sound in terms of our deconstruction of the tea and a bag of Skittles® meme. The theory is significantly bolstered by my discovery of this article reported by the Sanford Daily News: George Zimmerman Investigators: Startling Motive for ShootingTrayvon Martin. Four hours before he shot Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman was on his PC looking at black, gay porn.

Many other articles and videos in alternative media explore this angle of queer-on-straight homicide as it relates to this case. MSM is concealing this information from the general public. All of it has been kept quiet. Why? Qui bono?

It was kept quiet to keep the gay pedophile angle to this murder out of the news. The LGBT community was quickly mobilized to run interference and implement damage control to the meximum extent possible. That message, tea and a bag of Skittles®, served as their marching orders to circle the wagons and prevent the truth from coming out by any and all means necessary.

It is critical to the militant gay agenda that the movement advance without undue interference. It is the Plan. The shocking news of gay-on-straight crime would blow the lid off and set the movement back 50 years. The militant gay agenda simply cannot afford such extreme negative publicity.

To expose the truth would shatter the carefully contrived paradigm—after all, LGBTs can never be portrayed as aggressors; like blacks, they must always be portrayed as victims. That is their assigned role, wanted or not. Gays and blacks as perennial "victims" has been a favored MSM mantra and the tenor of a steady stream of propaganda for the past 45-years, culminating in the enactment of detestable "hate crime" legislation that deems some murders more egregious than others.

There is no justification for such legislation outside of a political agenda. What cosmic law makes some victims more "special" than others? Murder is murder. It is an absolute and irredeemable act of depravity that extinguishes the life of another human being.
The dilemma for the “authorities” in the Trayvon Martin case was that both the victim and the suspect represent groups that must be given special protections. Far better to paint the homicide as a hate crime of racial enmity than to reveal its true nature and sacrifice the gains made in recent years by NAMBLA and other equally militant elements of the Rainbow. In this clip, Jon Stewart is not far off the mark in his assessment of the influence of this group on the public and private sector.
As we are all aware, the Trayvon Martin case was indeed framed from the outset as one of racial hatred and steered exactly in that direction and only in that direction by MSM, wasn’t it? I have a sneaking suspicion that the New Black Panthers were also recruited, given the word, and set in motion—knowingly or unwittingly—to lend credence to this outrageous false flag scenario ginned up by the media, all of which begs the question: who gave MSM its marching orders?
Someone in a position of power—an executive, a decision-maker—knew the nature of the crime and immediately took steps to inform the LGBT community. A coded message was embedded in MSM news reports and broadcast widely. The nature of this gay-on-straight pedophile murder case had to be suppressed and the motive redirected to one of racial intolerance.
Who would have the power to orchestrate this massive cover-up? Who would have the network or the contacts necessary to assure that all media outlets were on the same book and page with the message tea and a bag of Skittles®? I suggest we might look for answers to the defendant and his family and their relationships, professions, and affiliations with network television, regional or national leadership within the LGBT community, and memberships in or strong ties with secret societies.

Toronto Maple Leafs

In Part 3 [Ravage the Rainbow], we pointed out the curious image from the Skittles® Trace the Vein Bro ad campaign in which a tattoo artist wearing blue surgical gloves is tattooing a Maple leaf. We have already identified the runes on the surgical gloves as eohl and yr and discussed their association with immortality, transformation, and the Yew tree. Thus, we might expect to find the artist tattooing a Yew leaf and not a Maple leaf; however, since all of the elements in the ad have a weird coherence once we understand the code, we must therefore assume that the Maple leaf has symbolic significance. And indeed it does—to the LGBT community.

As with all insular communities, we might also expect that news of special interest to that community travels fast. I am referring specifically to the gay pedophile ring scandal that engulfed the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team when it broke in January, 1997. By all reports, a pedophile ring consisting of ushers, equipment managers, and members of Maple Leaf management sexually abused (sodomized) dozens of star-struck young boys at Maple Leaf Gardens over a period of time. By year's end, two were dead: 35-year old victim Martin Kruze and 17-year old student Kenneth Au-Yeung—both victims of "suicide."

Sixty complaints were filed against the Maple Leafs, but only 20 ultimately followed through to file suit against Maple Leaf Gardens and former employees in November 1998. Although Maple Leaf Gardens’ management apologized for the sexual abuse and offered to pay for counseling, there were no admissions of legal responsibility. This story, originally reported by CBC Canada, is no longer available.

Victim Martin Kruze was the original whistleblower in the Toronto Maple Leafs case and a long-time advocate for victims of sexual abuse. He had settled out of court for $60,000 with the Maple Leafs and agreed to a consent order not to discuss the case. He later broke his silence, however, and continued to press for justice for all the victims and to speak out publicly against the Maple Leafs. Kruze "jumped to his death" from the Bloor Street Viaduct Bridge in November 1997 on learning that his abuser was sentenced to only two years in prison. That is the official story.

Likewise ruled a suicide, 17-year old Kenneth Au-Yeung was dead a month later in December 1997 when he allegedly jumped from the same bridge and at the same spot as Martin Kruze. Au-Yeung, a St. Michael's Choir School student, had altered a school yearbook blurb to link longtime school choir director Henry Hodson with the Maple Leaf Gardens pedophile ring. Following publication of this item in the yearbook, Au-Yeung was questioned in a private meeting with Toronto Police Constable Christopher Downer and St. Michael's Principal, John Ryall. In their testimony, Au-Yeung's fellow students swore that Downer had flashed his badge at them and warned that they all faced potential criminal charges. Hours later, Au-Yeung "killed himself." A successful student eagerly anticipating the college career ahead of him, no history of mental illness or suicidal tendencies were apparent in Au-Yeung's background.

Not everyone is buying the cause of death in either case. Over and above the Sports Illustrated story, netizens are expressing doubts about the cause of death. The skeptics suggest that neither jumped from the bridge, but were given a helping hand—perhaps pushed over the side. The only common link Kruze and Au-Yeung share is the Toronto Maple Leafs sex scandal.

Unwelcome memories of the Maple Leaf Gardens pedophile ring and the tragic deaths of Martin Kruze and
Kenneth Au-Yeung were dredged up again in November 2006 when it was announced that Toronto Maple Leafs would sponsor a gay movie and authorize the use of the Maple Leafs' name and logo. Breakfast with Scott, shot on location in Toronto and environs, features a homosexual 11-year old boy and depicts a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey player who longs to “come out” in public as a homosexual. He shares his life with his live-in partner, the team’s lawyer, and their adopted son, described as a "budding queen."

Referred to as "a propaganda piece," the film is clearly intended to soften resistance to homosexuality among Canadians. Actor Tom Cavanaugh who portrays the fictional hockey player claims that he was “shocked” the Maple Leafs would agree to associate their name with a homosexual propaganda film that also appears to be endorsing child homosexuality.

For this reason, not to mention other possibilities that might be gleaned from the entire saga, it seems only natural that the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team and management hold a special place of honor within the LGBT community. My contention is that the Maple leaf has symbolic meaning within this community and that it does not signify Canada. This symbolism of the tattoo on the Maple leaf in the Skittles® Trace the Vein Bro ad is a paean to the Toronto Maple Leafs and points to that hidden meaning. Is it simply coincidence that the advertising agency for Skittles® is BBDO Toronto? I think not. Perhaps I've spent too long at this task: when I look at the name BBDO, all I see is code—two icons representing a "two-car train" or "backup singer" or "double rainbow" + the word DO. Just DO it.

It is somehow fitting in a macabre sort of way that the bodies of both Kruze and Au-Yeung plummeted from the Bloor Street Viaduct bridge and came to rest near a cemetery on the grounds of Rosedale School, an art academy for the teen children of Toronto's gay dancers and actors and artists scene that hosts an annual ball known as “Pride Prom,” co-sponsored by the Triangle Program.


I would suggest that average folks have no earthly idea how powerful is the militant homosexual lobby. Beyond the disproportionate wealth of the LGBT community, they have made steady inroads into Congress over the past 25-30 years. The same is true in Britain where convictions of public officials in cases involving homosexual pedophilia and other sex crimes have gained more notoriety than in the US. They control Hollywood and cut a wide swath in the performing arts. Gay sex has now come out of the closet in professional sports as well.
No group is sacrosanct or above the law, however, regardless of the special protections the law may afford them. When there is criminality within the group—any group—it must be exposed to the light of day, notwithstanding all machinations to suppress truth. No one is going to hear that truth unless others who know it are willing to step forward and expose it. As you will see graphically depicted in this video, the citizens of St. Martin, Jersey, UK (owned by the Crown) are afraid to speak out on camera, afraid to tell what they know of the shocking pedophilia sex-crime-ring responsible for the ghoulish ritual murders of castaway children warehoused at Haut de la Garenne, an orphanage in Jersey. Their silence only facilitates the crimes against these unfortunate, unwanted, and sexually abused children.

The Franklin Cover-up here in America, the equally shocking "Gannongate" scandal that led directly to the White House, the child sex abuse scandal at the Presidio in San Francisco, and most recently at Penn State that led to the conviction of Jerry Sandusky are equally horrific. These cases remind us that All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

The Psychopaths That Be live in a world of madness—of their own creation. They are psychopaths, after all. Their value system is so completely the antithesis of anything average people can relate to that we can scarcely comprehend it. In their workaday lives, they appear quite normal, carrying on their business affairs both in the public spotlight and out of it. It is what they do after hours that interests me because that is when they let their hair down. The depth of depravity within this community is sometimes shocking, and yet the Militant Gay Agenda insists, nay demands that the world view and accept grossly deviant practices as the expression of a variant form of sexuality on the part of normal human beings. Anyone who disagrees is promptly labeled a homophobe. But is the label warranted?

How many are aware of the “game” Scooby Doo? Scooby Doo is a sexual activity in which a group of homosexual men gather in a park or other open area where they evacuate their bowels over a large canvas (or other slick surface) to skid, skate, and slide in their own excrement. The term first appeared in the homosexual community in the late 1970's. Some players “save their feces in plastic bags and keep them in the refrigerator for weeks to prepare for such an event."

Recall our discussion from Part 3 [Ravage the Rainbow], in which it was pointed out that demonologists identify Belial, the Prince of Sodomy, and Philatanus his assistant, as the compulsive force behind sodomy. The preferred means of gaining entry to the body is through the anal orifice, so it is believed. Depending on one’s openness to such ideas, this may help to explain, in part, behaviors such as Scooby Doo and a particular passion for coprophilia. Should we be surprised there’s a group on Facebook devoted to coprophilia?

I trust we can confidently conclude at this point that the Skittles® brand is a covert operation with a massive advertising budget that is actively promoting gay sex, sodomy, pedophilia, and a twisted and sexually irresponsible LGBT lifestyle to our youth. Would it help to know that the media plays an immense role in the transformation of society and culture? The following is quoted directly from The Rainbow Swastika: The Transformation of Society:
The Role of the Media in Transformation

Of course, no global indoctrination could get far today without cooperation from mass media. NAers [New Agers] claim that the major news networks are firmly in their camp, not as chroniclers of human events but as educators of the masses. Global leader Robert Muller enthusiastically supports such a role for the media, urging "all schools of journalism" and "all media directors" to make use of his masterpiece on NA education, the World Core Curriculum, which is already set up in "a framework for World Media Coverage". ("A Letter to All Educators in the World")

This gives vital context to comments like the following: "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have." (Richard Salant, ex-President, CBS News) "We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with." (Richard Cohan, Sr. Producer, CBS political news) "I do have an ax to grind... I want to be the little subversive person in television." (Barbara Pyle, CNN Environmental Director) "I've become even more crafty about finding the voices to say the things I think are true. That is my subversive mission." (Dianne Dumanoski, Boston Globe reporter) "We in the press like to say we're honest brokers of information, and it's just not true. The press does have an agenda." (Bernard Goldberg, CBS "48 Hours") [Most of these quotes are relayed by Dr. Henry Lamb, "The Rise of Global Governance", University of Texas College of Engineering website.]

Skittles® is pandering to its target market with deceptive allusions, the lure of transformation, and false  promises of a carefree, reprobate lifestyle without psychological, social, or moral consequences. The hidden side of the Rainbow includes Scooby Doo, covert promiscuity, pedophilia, and the occult quest for instant gnosis and illumination via sodomy as the ultimate goal. These rituals and practices are unknown to the general public.

Ever since I first saw the Skittles® Freaky Sheep-boys commercial several years ago, I knew something was not quite right with Skittles®. This commercial, in my opinion, was a signal to the elite that the Transhumanist Agenda was All-Systems-Go. The commercial is chock-full of gnostic-cabalistic-illuminist sorcery and code words, degrading to human beings in the depiction of them as sheep.

There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Skittles® is the jungle telegraph for the Illuminati, operating as a front company purveying candy. Oh, yes, Skittles® is the Candy Man, alright.
The latest Skittles® ad campaign exhorts consumers to Deceive the Rainbow! Is this a clarion call for bestiality? You decide.

Exactly who or what is the rainbow that is being deceived here? Isn’t it the LGBT community? Aren’t they the Rainbow? There is no denying this conclusion—the Rainbow is self-referential in the LGBT community. Skittles® has not only been deceiving the LGBT community—it is deceiving us all.

This journey of discovery has been months in the making. Now that I’ve learned the truth about Skittles® and its occult agenda to bring illumination and transformation to a transgendered, transhumanized world that is intentionally being engineered by The Psychopaths That Be, it is clear to me that Skittles® is playing an active role to promote this agenda through a well-organized, well-funded propaganda campaign of deception in order to normalize and sanitize behavior that many thoughtful people consider to be undesirable to society at large for its adverse effects on children.

Understanding the etymology of the word skittles has given me a new perspective. One project for the near future is likely to be a cryptoanalysis of Washington Irving’s 1819 short story, Rip Van Winkle. That ought to be an eye-opener!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sweets for My Sweet, Sugar for My Honey: Ravage the Rainbow! (Part 3/4)

A strange and weirdly connected tale of Willy Wonka, Skittles®, The Trayvon Martin Murder,
and the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Team Scandal

Skittles® Advertising Campaign


With the help of my colleagues and fellow cryptoanalysts at Fallout Shelter, we have been piecing together over time a narrative that adequately explains the Skittles® phenomenon and the subtext of the generally nonsensical and typically bizarre Skittles® advertising. You may wish to check out these links to follow the genesis of our concept since inception, if you're so inclined:

Like the songs and dialogue of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the message of the Skittles® ad campaigns is lost on a good deal of the general public. This is so because many of us do not speak the argot of the LGBT community and Skittles® decision-makers. We have cracked the code, however, and found even deeper meanings.

Lace the Train Slow

Lace the train? On the Skittles® Tweet page, we see an image of hands tethering many cars of a train together with shoelaces, as one would lace a shoe. Is this an allusion to hooking "cabooses" together? Why, yes, it is. To pull a train is to perform the sex act with several men at once, one behind the other.

We also find this Skittles® Tweet from the Race the Rainbow campaign, alluding to a two-car train:

Double Rainbows are awesome. Everybody likes having a backup singer.
As we can easily derive with our growing knowledge, a backup singer and double rainbows are references to anal sex.

On this same page at the Skittles® website, we see a video featuring a wolf with a fishing pole sitting atop a sewer outlet and another wolf on a treadmill. The seated wolf is casting his lure equipped with Skittles® at the wolf on the treadmill. Is he fishing for a partner? Note that the sewer outlet is colorized in yellow so the viewer’s eye is drawn to that bright area in an otherwise fairly monochromatic color scheme. We observe also that the large pipe extending from the yellow outlet is cocoa-colored. With the abundance of background material already provided, I trust that this allusion to anal sex is self-explanatory.


Bear HugsCome and Get Your Love!

When there’s a polar bear between you and the Skittles®, the main thing is patience.
The above Tweet has since been removed from the Skittles® Tweet page, but was there when I accessed it the week of November 4, 2012. Now, polar bear has a special meaning in gay slang. Polar Bear is an older man with a stocky or heavyset typically hairy body, and grey, silver, or white facial and body hair—in other words, a senior citizen. Obviously, a bit of patience would be required to engage in sex with the polar bear. 
From another Skittles® Tweet, we find this:
Hang-gliding polar bears: the world’s bravest animals
                         The Polar Plunge/ReTweet the Rainbow
Yes, hang-gliding, too, is a sexual term and refers to the sexual act with at least one foot or leg off the ground. There is also the idea of brown-nosing associated with this term that alludes to a figurative holding of the target’s testicles in the sycophant’s effort to curry favor with and remain in close proximity.
As we might expect, bears in general have special meaning in gay slang:
Be sure to shake out your shoes before you put them on in the morning. Bears are everywhere.
                                                                                      Lace the Train Slow/Retweet the Rainbow
The bear “is so-named for his bear-like appearance. He is usually burly or heavy-set, with a hairy body and some form of facial hair. They may also give the impression of being blue-collar or working-class. The concept of being a bear has gone through many permutations in recent decades, with debate about what it means, exactly, to be a bear. They are usually gay or bisexual men, but transgender men have also been known to identify with bear communities. […] Bears are closely related to the leather and S&M scenes in many communities […].” There is even a men’s magazine named Bear.
And then there is the very specialized kind of bear that likes children… Meet Pedobear! (ェ)
Pedobear began to be associated with pedophilia as early as February, 2005 when it was defined in Urban Dictionary as a character used in the hentai community. Some of the earliest
threads with Pedobear PhotoShopped into images of young girls date back to February, 2006. In 2009, Pedobear was voted Miley Cyrus' number one fan. Since its first appearance, Pedobear was misinterpreted as a symbol for pedophilia. Might I suggest that was the orignal intent?
Although misinterpreted and originally intended, so they say, as a warning against pedophiles, Pedobear is now a symbol for pedophilia and is widely regarded as a pedophiliac bear. Notice in this example the reference to Empty Hallway. This is a double entendre alluding to the colon, of course (skittles, played in an alley).
Know Your Meme shared this sharp warning entitled Pedobear Candy Trap. And what is used to bait the trap? Why, Skittles®, of course! It appears that Pedobear knows his memes all too well—and knows that Skittles® is in on the inside joke.

Trace the Vein Bro

The Trace the Vein Bro variant of Skittles®' Taste the Rainbow ad campaign is enigmatic, to say the least. What vein does it signify? We can only speculate. What we do have is an interesting image from this particular campaign, however, in which a tattoo artist wearing blue surgical gloves is tracing a line in black ink on the vein of a green leaf—a Maple leaf to be exact, about which more will be said in Part 4 [Sweet Revenge]. The ad also depicts a tattooed acorn, which happens to signify an unusually small penis in gay slang, derived from its appearance in a flaccid state. Considering what we have learned from Pedobear, I will be so bold as to suggest that an acorn is a sexual reference to the endowment of a young male child.
In the hand holding the tattoo needle, we see two distinctive markings on the thumb and on the ring finger that appear to be runish in appearance. As it turns out, they are runes! Tom Taylor, a fellow cryptoanalyst at Fallout Shelter who knows his runes, observes that, "The one on the ring-finger looks like an inverted rune-script for eolh, and the one on the thumb could be a partially inverted yr.
My research into this led immeditely to the discovery that eolh is the "fifteenth rune of the Elder Futhark, representing the letter Z. Eolh signifies a fortunate new influence entering your life, often through unconscious emotions or instincts." Llewellyn Encyclopedia defines ElderFuthark as a German rune alphabet of 24 characters used between the years 200 BC to 800 AD.
Further research revealed that "[t]he Yew is linked to the runes yr and eolh. Both runes are ruled by Jupiter and the positive benefits of transformationa fortunate new influence entering your life, as Llewellyn puts it. According to a modern encyclopedia of magical herbs, “the Yew is feminine; its element is water and its planet is Saturn."
Although the association of the runes with the Yew and with the ruling planets, Jupiter and Saturn/masculine and feminine is interesting, it is a tale left for another day. For our purposes, the keyword here is transformation. This is associated with the idea of immortality and eternal life, symbolized by the Yew tree. Transformation is in fact the goal of spiritual alchemy, the true objective of which is to effect a permanent and lasting change within the inner man. According to the Occult Tradition and Mystery Religion, illumination and, by extension, transformation from the old being to the new being, are facilitated through anal intercourse. Yes, I know—obscure; however, I will now connect the dots.

Encase the Faint Glow

It is a curious turn of phrase, encase the faint glow, but it does have meaning. Let me just put it to you bluntly, so we can get this out of the way: in the Occult Tradition, the quick path to Illumination—that is, the KEY, and note especially that key is a meaning associated with skittle—is sodomy. Skittle/sodomy is the key! It involves the stroking of the vagus nerve, specifically by the skittle (the “dart, missile, or arrow” of the penis). What is said to happen when the vagus nerve is prodded or stroked by the penis is a brilliant flash of light in the consciousness of the passive partner, an explosion of “light” in the head, if you will, also called the kundalini awakening, which can be triggered, for example, by intense personal experiences such as accidents, near death experiences, [...] emotional trauma, and extreme mental stress [emphasis added].
What most people do not know is that in addition to being a quick path to illumination, a second purpose of sodomy as it relates to ritual abuse is to "layer in" demonic entities. Now, demonology identifies Belial as the Prince of Trickery and Sodomy. He is assisted in this work of furthering sodomy and pedophile behaviors by the demon Philatanus. These are not my own opinions that I share here with you, but what I repeat to you from my personal study of the Occult Tradition for over 40 years. These entities seem to have a preference for entry into the body through the anal orifice. Recall the game of skittles that is played in an alley and the relationship of skittles to door or gateway accessed by means of a key.

In this regard, we return once again to the etymology of the term skittle. Specifically we learned that, “Scyttel(s) and forescyttels testify to other Old English words for ‘key.’ They […] designated a bar […] and were thus ‘shot’ across the door like modern bolts.”  This may somewhat explain the process of transference of demonic entities that are “shot across the door” or “stargate” through the back-and-forth (shuttle) motions of copulation whereby they gain entrance to take up residence in the human body through the act of sodomy.
Personally, I don't know whether any of this is true, and I don't want to know. I'm willing to take the word of the occult sages and mages on this point. The fact is that the adherents of this religion—and you’d better believe that it is a religion—believe this ancient "wisdom" to be true. Ritual sodomy is a traditional act of initiation into this religion and is customary practice. What I am suggesting to you is that those behind the Skittles® brand know and understand this concept. More to the point, they are promoting it. 

Do you wonder at the periodic exposure of gay sex- and pedophile rings in government? You shouldn’t. It is becoming quite commonplace these days, the issue is out in the open, and the phenomenon is global. As a matter of fact, another scandal broke in late October when closet pedophile and GOP Senate candidate EricBodenweiser was indicted on October 22 and arrested on 113 counts of sexual abuse over a three-year period that began when his young male victim was only ten years of age. There seems to be a growing correlation of pedophile rings with homosexuality, although this information is admittedly hard to come by.


To get a sense of the scope of this growing social problem, you may wish to peruse other links on the topic of pedophilia in government that appear at the end of this article.

End Part 3. Stay tuned for Part 4: Sweets for My Sweet, Sugar for My Honey—Sweet Revenge 

                            Pedophilia in Government

3 Top Latvians Named in Investigation of Pedophilia
Government defends official suspected of child rape
White House/Justice Dept Coverup Pedophilia Cases
High Level Vatican and US Government Involvement in Pedophile Rings
Another Confirmation about Pedophile US Diplomats in SE Asia
The Paedophile Ring that Encircles British Politics
Pedophilia and Congress
Witness says 20-30 pedophile legislators abused abducted children
Congressional Democrats Attempt to Legalize Gay Pedophilia
Conspiracy of Silence: Illuminati Pedophiles in Washington, DC
Exposing and recognizing pedophiles