Thursday, August 30, 2012

Exopolitics & the Alien Agenda

Let's just play along and assume for the sake of argument that the above video is true.
What I want to know is this:
1) If the Andromeda Council has a technology to destroy the alien bases that have allegedly been on this planet for 5,000 years, what in the name of all that's holy are they waiting for? Why not just get on with it? Think of the wars that could have been prevented!

2) Some believe ardently that the "Space Brothers" are coming to save us. Various sources who report on this topic, however, claim that the "good aliens" have a policy of noninterference with the planetary affairs of Earth. If so, how can they come and "save us" by destroying these undersea/ underground bases and yet maintain their policy of neutrality and noninterference at the same time? This is a serious logical inconsistency.
3) Who is spoon-feeding the interviewee these facts? Is it channeled information? Or is he the Benjamin Fulford of the Andromeda Council? As many of you may know, Fulford has been exposed as a fraud and agent of MI-5
4) Why does the interviewee not show his face? Why the secrecy? Obviously, the "Space Brothers" want this information out there or he would not be giving the interview in the first place.
5) According to the Andromeda Council website, "The chaired members of the Andromeda Council comprise a total of twelve (12) different, distinct member worlds [and] races."
What we have here, I submit, is a Council of Twelve. Rule by a Council of Twelve seems to be a recurring theme of great importance in elite circles. According to Piers Compton's The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand in the Vatican, at page 16 we read that in 1848, "a highly select body of secret initiates who called themselves the League of Twelve Just Men of the Illuminati financed Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto."
Taylor Caldwell shed further light on this group in her novel, Captains and the Kings, in which it is noted that it wasn't until the era of the League of Just Men and Karl Marx that conspirators and conspiracies became one, with one aim, one objective, and one determination. Some heads of foreign governments refer to this Council of Twelve as The Magicians. Stalin called them The Dark Forces.
I suggest this Council of Twelve continues today, having evolved over time into groups that have the same purpose but go by a different name. For example, William Cooper informs us that, "By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceded NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majority Twelve (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress and the Press became curious. Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, the director of the CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of Defense Charles E.Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations known as the "Wise Men." These men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves "The Jason Society," or "The Jason Scholars" who recruited their members from the "Skull and Bones" and the "Scroll and Key" societies of Harvard and Yale." 
6) The Andromeda Council further informs us that, "You can think of the Galactic Federation as the Andromeda Council's operational management company that is responsible for day-to-day management and enforcement of the cooperative protocols for: intergalactic, interstellar [and] interplanetary trade/barter/ exchange of resources, products [and] services, intersocietal, intercultural, educational exchange and many other activities on a planet to planet basis."
This has all of the earmarks of a Galactic Chamber of Commerce. In a world already fallen under the seductive influence of runaway commercialism, a world now ruled by an amoral, unethical, transnational corporatocracy, be careful what you wish for!
Do we really want hyperspace predators and pirates in control at the cosmic level? Caveat emptor.

Additional reading:

Alien Agenda

Persian Gulf Waterspout

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The London Olympics: Public Ceremonies As Witchcraft

Symbols are nothing more than a language that uses visual images rather than words to convey a message. For that matter, words themselves are symbols that represent the objects or concepts to which they refer.

Symbols speak to the subconscious mind and to the heart. Both words and visual symbols must be decoded in order to have any meaning. Understanding symbols is particularly important, for example, in the area of the fine arts and great literature. He who cannot appreciate and interpret symbols also cannot appreciate and interpret such works, both of which rely heavily on symbolism. Accordingly, piecing together and interpreting symbolism is no trivial pursuit, given the unfortunate fact that the world today is "symbol illiterate," to quote Michael Tsarion.

While MSM covered the Opening Ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics, what they did not bother to televise (censored) was some of the more disturbing images and symbolism from those ceremonies. We should be asking ourselves why. Fortunately for the billions of people who could not attend this year's Olympics in London, the censored images were publicized by the youtubers. What we saw in that extravaganza was enough to start a buzz on the internet, even when many of us did not understand the meaning of what we were witnessing. These images gave the semiotics theorists and the symbolists a rich supply of information with which to work. 

Now, random symbols are one thing, but when they are of a certain related class, when they are compounded and clustered together, when they are used in combinations to supplement and intensify the meanings of single symbols, when they are carefully crafted and woven together to tell a story, we should begin then to sit up and take notice.

The themes we find in the symbolism of the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremonies, taken as a whole, are chilling to say the least:

• Saturn: Grim Reaper-Father Time; the planet of the zodiac that signifies sudden reversal, restriction, and destruction; Priests of Saturn; the wizard "Prospero" (Shakespeare's "The Tempest")
• Illness and Death: great numbers of children in beds—not mere beds, but hospital beds
Prodigious Head: an ill or sleeping infant with what appeared to be a "witch's caul" enshrouding it, thus suggesting a newborn and one "born under the sign of the witch"
• Enormous Bell: "Bell, Book, and Candle;" the bell that is sounded at the beginning of a ceremonial magickal working to summon the demons
• Giant Clock: Big Ben; Father Time-Grim Reaper; "time is up"
• Savage Dancers: demons from hell; "Caliban" from "The Tempest"
• Macabre Toys: menacing or frightening playthings, such as the evil jack-in-the-box

The message of this elaborate floor show was clear, and it is not a children's bedtime story told in a snug nursery, but a child's nightmare of Evil, Sickness, Death by Pandemic, and Sudden Destruction.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Weather Wizardry and Commodities Futures

Some of you may recall China's boast and virtual guarantee that the weather for the Beijing Olympics would be "perfect." What you may not be aware of is a document published by the US military shortly before the turn of the century entitled "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025." 

The United States has possessed cloud seeding technology since the 1940s. Now that we have this Super Duper HAARP gizmo as supplemented by chemtrails, one would think that the "weather enhancement" the two working together are said to be capable of might be directed towards relieving
the terrible drought of 2012 that has besieged this nation.

What many fail to understand is that chemtrails are also known to create drought conditions when the chemicals they disperse in the atmosphere are "dessicants" that wick the moisture out of the clouds.

When opportunity knocks...enter the Wall Street commodities futures trader. These beleaguered investors are forced to earn their living slaving over a hot ticker. They must carefully calculate the odds, examine all the available data, and speculate on the abundance of harvests 6-10 months down the road. The pressure must be immense! How do such speculators make out when harvests are poor? As it happens, those who bet against good harvests make out like...well...bandits.

Considering that we already "own the weather," imagine what might happen if our weather is being made to order to further enrich the already fabulously wealthy? Oh, gee, ya THINK?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

NDAA: Unconstitutional or Extraconstitutional?

Indefinite detention of civilians in accordance with an undeclared or undisclosed martial law process under NDAA is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, DIRECT THREAT, and ILLEGAL act of government in violation of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments to the Constitution. When government oversteps its bounds so egregiously and has the power to enforce such unconstitutional acts by means of military force to back it up, the message to the people is unmistakable: the Constitution has been abrogated or nullified.

Assuming the Constitution is now null and void given the numerous and persistent violations by the government of every provision of the Bill of Rights except the 3rd Amendment to the Constitution, isn't that the de facto equivalent of no Constitution?

The US Constitution is the basis of our government. Without it, we have no authorized government. If the Constitution is now null and void because government ignores it, then the authority of those in power to rule over us must necessarily be null and void also. They cannot claim authority to rule over us by virtue of the Constitution that gives them that power and authority and at the same time violate every provision and amendment of that Constitution that is our foundation of government.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Patsy Perfect, or Why You Can't Donate to the James Holmes Legal Defense Fund


After successfully setting up a do-it-yourself cause to solicit contributions for the James Holmes Legal Defense Fund and successfully contributing to the cause I set up, I was denied service.

Here is the content of the email I received from Gofundme:


We wanted to reach out to let you know that we will be taking down your donation page. As a privately held company, we reserve the rights to allow or disallow certain pages at our discretion and we feel that the page is insensitive to the victims of the tragedy.

We thank you in advance for your understanding.

Customer Support Team"


This is my response to gofundme:

Cherie Martin

5:09 PM (0 minutes ago)

to GoFundMe

"What's insensitive is that James Holmes is as much a victim as the dead and wounded. As a lawyer myself, I personally do not like seeing obvious patsies railroaded into Star Chambers and convicted on fabricated stories, disinformation, and withheld evidence.

Thank you gofundme for showing me your government bias and where your true sympathies lie. I will be sure to report your response to all of my followers and do my best to steer others away from your services and towards other providers."


A colleague then attempted to set up a defense fund for this young man with four other do-it-yourself funding websites. This colleague set up a new account successfully only to be locked out of the account by the service provider on subsequent attempts to access the page. In quick succession, my colleague then set up three more funding causes only to be denied service in each case after the cause had been activated. What's more, the providers of these services provided bogus passwords for access to the accounts that did not work in each case and also each one of these providers flagged the accounts electronically as a SECURITY THREAT when further access was attempted.

These actions, taken without any prior notice to myself or my colleague, are no different than PayPal withholding payments from political targets of the government when instructed to do so.


We believe that EVERYONE is entitled to a proper legal defense in a Constitutional Republic. Gofundme, and four other self-funding websites (,, and two others whose names I did not make a note of) evidently do not think so and have chosen to make a political statement in denying service to us and in flagging the accounts as a Security Threat. This is our best evidence of collusion to date.

This action undertaken by five separate websites is the very definition of CONSPIRACY when independent actors (Gofundme et al) collude to deny service to the public based on a single issue cause that is not "government approved." The service denial and designation of the cause on five independent websites as a Security Threat is purely political and deprives the people of the ability to make their own political statements in supporting causes of their choice, however unpopular the cause may be in the view of the websites that denied our access. If the cause is unpopular with the general public, it goes without saying that little money will be raised. The people will have spoken. The government's action in shutting down this cause across five independent platforms constitutes a flagrant violation of the US Constitution by robbing American citizens of their First Amendment rights to exercise their freedom of speech, autonomy, and choice. I cannot overemphasize that the First Amendment protects, above ALL, freedom of political speech.


Getting down to the crux of the matter, the truth is this: the spider web network of government, military, intelligence, and interlocking corporate directorships, including successful web-based businesses, does NOT want this James Holmes Defense Fund to go public. WHY?

We submit that denial of these services and flagging the accounts as a Security Threat reveals the true nature of the denial of service. It has nothing to do with "insensitivity" and everything to do with government's fear that the "official" story so carefully crafted will be mocked and dismissed by the public as patently false. It is clear to anyone who has researched this case diligently that the government's story concerning the Batman Movie Massacre is full of holes, inconsistencies, bizarre connections among and between parties, and the abject failure to follow leads provided by eyewitnesses that appear to be exculpatory in terms of guilt on the part of Mr. Holmes.

The only reasonable conclusion is that the entire affair is a government PSYOP and "black project" perpetrated against the people of the United States of America. In this, we are all victims of government:

• the 12 dead and 59 wounded;
• James Holmes, who is neither a thug nor a criminal, but a likely patsy;
• the American people who are being deceived by yet another government lie and false flag operation


As for the bizarre connections among and between parties mentioned above, this strange nexus and loose timeline is particularly interesting:

» 2000-2002, Robert Holmes, Ph.D. and father of James Holmes, worked for HNC Software, Inc: HNC is a “neural network” company that partnered with DARPA to develop “cortronic neural networks,” allowing machines to interpret aural and visual stimuli to think like humans

» Robert Holmes goes to work at FICO developing software that traces banking fraud; it is reported that he was set to give his expert testimony on fraud before Congress in the coming weeks

» James Holmes is a neuroscientist who worked on DARPA-sponsored ‘Super soldier’ or ‘Peak Soldier performance’ experiments and wrote a paper on cognitive perception and causation

» LIBOR scandal update in London in which it is reported that the international banks are holding the stolen wealth of the hundreds of thousands of people they defrauded in offshore accounts; the accounts are now being traced to bankers and financiers who
committed these crimes

» Batman Movie Massacre: "Dark Knight Rising" opens in a software company where programmers design statistical software that can track and monitor the spending of some of the richest people in the world to expose their corruption

We believe that Robert Holmes' software was the basis for the derivatives trading that caused the financial crash leading to the banker bailout. Several articles are reporting that Robert Holmes is or was scheduled to testify before Congress. Robert Holmes holds all the answers.  What his testimony will reveal is the financial land mines that have yet to be exposed. This field of derivatives trading is loaded with these land mines. It is important to understand that derivatives are complex calculus equations and algorithms. To unearth the land mines and defuse them will be impossible without the KEY. Robert Holmes holds the GOLDEN KEY!

The bankers who created the derivatives had to keep certain values secret. Many were terminated from their employment in the first round. Many left their financial firms with their ENORMOUS severance packages and have left the country and placed their wealth acquired at the expense of investors in offshore accounts. No one knows the true extent of the fraud or when the remaining derivatives land mines will explode. Thus, even though the economy appears to inch forward, suddenly it takes two steps back—when another derivative land mine explodes. Robert Holmes, who developed the FICO credit score formulae and other complex mathematics for detecting fraud is the foremost expert in his field and likely the only one who can disclose to the Congress and the public how the fraudulent practices within the banking industry occurred.

Another extraordinary and bizarre set of facts is this: the Denver area has become a hub of intelligence gathering activity. In 2005, the Washington Post reported that CIA was to move its "domestic operations" (illegal; CIA has no mandate for domestic operations--that is in the purview of the FBI) to Aurora, CO, a suburb of Denver, where they would conduct from their new headquarters at Aurora antiterrorism and domestic surveillance. The move was accomplished in 2006. So here we have the HQ of CIA domestic counterterrorism information services and operations in Aurora in the identical town where at least one gunman and likely several others committed an act of terror by gunning down 71 people in a movie theater (12 dead, 59 wounded). The arms and 6000 rounds of ammo to commit this act of terror were purchased by Holmes (at whose direction?) over a 60-day period right under the noses of the very agency SITUATED IN AURORA that is charged with preventing such acts.


Young James Holmes is not a thug, but an extremely intelligent, quiet, reserved young neuroscientist who was working on his Ph.D. until June of this year. In accusing him of being the mastermind and the executioner in the Batman Movie Massacre, the government has set in motion an either/or scenario in which young James Holmes is either a) a patsy, like Lee Harvey Oswald, who is being set up and framed for acts he did not commit or b) like Sirhan-Sirhan and the Columbine Shooters and the Unibomber and the Virginia Tech killer, an involuntary, government created, "programmed assassin" who was groomed to kill through trauma-based mind control techniques (perfected pursuant to Project MK-Ultra), and/or drugs, and/or intensive hypnosis, or a combination of all three. We have been exploring this entire tragedy at Fallout Shelter!/groups/retlehstuollaf/ for the past several days, leaving no stone unturned. That is the general consensus of virtually the entire group of nearly 1000 members.

Wither Anonymous?

Once a meme becomes established in the public mind, it is near impossible to dislodge that meme with facts to the contrary. Anonymous was an idea whose time had come and it is NOTHING if not a megameme that captured all of our imaginations because we so hoped it could be true—at last the people have a champion and a hero, we all thought. It was if Superman had come to town to fight injustice! Few of us did not jump aboard that bandwagon.

What has become of Anonymous? Where did it go? Whither the comprehensive, phased plan that was published? The silence is deafening, the ops all but fizzled.

Think of the contextual background of the birth of Anonymous and its appearance. Consider what was happening in the world—the COLOR REVOLUTIONS of global discontent! Given that context, it appears that Anonymous was an opportunistic "coat tails" movement, riding the tidal wave of worldwide protest for purposes unknown to we, the people.

Perhaps the maker of this video discloses those purposes. S/he makes some valid points. The truth is that there are no Superheroes. We must be our own heroes.