Friday, September 7, 2012

Imposter Syndrome

Reactionary is a term customarily associated with Conservatives. It signifies a kind of nostalgic longing for a return to principles and a paradigm of the past. Astute observers might be noticing a new kind of reactionary on the scene, however—one that nobody is talking about. This is the Democrat reactionary. A Democrat reactionary continues to believe that the Democratic party of today somehow equates to the Democratic party of yesteryear.
It doesn't. And it won't. Not for a very long time to come, if ever again. The Democratic party is as long gone and sold out as the Republican party is long gone and sold out. And it's not coming back, no matter how much we may long for it and hope for it.
There's a new kid in town. His name is Neo Liberal Democrat. He is the little known "evil twin" of Liberal Democrat, an imposter masquerading as the original. By stealth and under cover of darkness, Neo Liberal Democrat abducted Liberal Democrat, bound him, trussed him, stuffed a gag in his mouth, and threw him into a dark closet in an abandoned building, never to be seen again.
A mere handful were shocked to hear of his brutal murder, but in general the demise of Liberal Democrat has gone largely unnoticed by his friends. There was no fanfare—his obituary was buried on page A-42 of the New York Times. Rest in peace, Liberal Democrat (1950-2000).

With virtually no one the wiser, the imposter Neo Liberal Democrat cunningly stepped into the shoes of Liberal Democrat and took over Liberal Democrat's former activities, appropriated his life and persona, and even his friends and followers, too. Very few, if any, within Liberal Democrat's circle of friends even noticed the difference. After all, Neo Liberal Democrat looked so much like Liberal Democrat on the surface, and the name was still Democrat, wasn't it? That was all that really mattered. No one suspected a switch had occured, though indeed it had.
It is a sad tale, and true, and one that Conservative Republican knows all too well. Or rather, he would tell you the same—if he were alive. You see, the same thing happened to Conservative Republican when the imposter Neo Conservative came to town and usurped the family name Republican. That's where the whole thing started, right there.   

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